Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Acoustic Treatment for Schools

Recently as part of the Australian Federal Government Stimulus package they have been allocating significant amounts of money to schools for Multi purpose Halls , Libraries and Music rooms.
Building these is only the start!
We have found that unless treatment for Sound reverberation is considered, the result can be a very noisy and sometimes unusable space.
By using an Acoustic Consultant or dealing with a company that specialises in the supply of Acoustic products you can end up either purchasing the wrong product or wasting a lot of money.
Sontext have had the privilege of working with many major schools and universities around Australia to assist them in building better and more usable spaces for teaching.

Mappy Fibres

Recently when I was in Dubai at the Big 5 Building and Construction Industry Trade Show I met Diego Pivatto from Mappy Italia spa. Diego introduced me to Mappyfibre, WOW what a unique product. It is a printed wall or ceiling panel that looks just brilliant and reduces Noise reverberation in the room.
At Sontext we have now added the MappyFibre to our range in Australia and through our distriburor network throughout the world/